On Sunday April 27, 2025 Friends of Sable Island Society will hold our sixth celebration of all things Sable Island. The main goal of the conference is to build awareness and educate people on the need to protect Sable Island’s past, present and future. This year’s venue is the highly accessible Halifax Central Library on Spring Garden Road (Nova Scotia). We will offer free admission while also providing a virtual attendance option using ZOOM. We invite historians, scientists, students, artists and other potential presenters to submit a speaker’s abstract by Saturday March 1, 2025.
An Evaluation Committee will use the abstracts to select presentations. The abstracts will be shared on-line to introduce the presenter and topic. Please include the following information with the abstract:
- title
- presenter name
- main contact information (e-mail and phone)
- names of others associated with the work (if applicable)
- organization (name of university, company, non-profit, etc… if applicable)
- theme (natural history/science, cultural history, visitor experience, park management, other), and
- a maximum 250-word description of the topic that will be addressed
Please send a completed abstract to: conference@sableislandfriends.ca (please state “Abstract” in the subject line). Use this email address to request more information and to volunteer.
For information about previous Sable Isand conferences follow these links: