SI2023 – K-21 – Sable Island National Park Reserve – Park Management Update – Mathieu D’Astous

Organization: Parks Canada

Theme: Park Management

Format: Oral Presentation

Sable Island was designated a National Park Reserve in 2013. Since then, Parks Canada has been working on various fronts to implement its mandate on the island while working to maintain the integrity of the island’s natural and cultural resources. SINPR’s first management plan was tabled in Parliament in 2019. The plan has 3 key strategies: i) Protection in the context of past and future change ii) Inspiring connections that build support for conservation; and iii) Sustainability, innovation, and efficient operations. This presentation will provide an update on the work Parks Canada has carried out over the past few years towards the implementation of these strategies. A brief overview will be provided of some of Parks Canada’s achievements and ongoing initiatives such as its Resource Conservation and Visitor Experience programs, as well as assets management and greening initiatives.

Graduate of Dalhousie University’s Marine Affairs program, Mathieu D’Astous has worked in the municipal sector, leading the development of sustainable community plans, as well as managing restoration plans for several watershed-based organizations. He subsequently worked in the agri-food sector, piloting various marketing and distribution initiatives. In 2016, Mathieu joined Parks Canada as National Historic Sites and Visitor Experience Manager, working with sites in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, including Fort-Beauséjour NHS and Grand-Pré NHS. In September 2021 he took on the role as acting Park Manager for Sable Island National Park Reserve, which he thoroughly enjoys.